SEAS Estudios Superiores Abierts, an entity belonging to the San Valero Group, promotes the “RURAL NEEDS & MOBILE LEARNING” project approved by the European Union within the framework of the ERASMUS + program in its KA2 line for the development of innovation.
This European project wants to generate an intervention model to deal with certain problems detected in European rural areas with low population density also characterized by the continued aging of its inhabitants and the absence of proximity services or professionals trained in care-related areas and the attention of people in situations of dependency.
The project involves partners from 4 European countries (Spain, Austria, Italy and Portugal) who have identified qualification needs in professional profiles associated with proximity services and in the socio-sanitary area of care for dependents for the dual purpose of the generation of employment in the rural environment and the improvement of the quality of life of an increasingly aging population.
This innovative model aims to overcome certain geographical obstacles of access to vocational training in the depopulated rural environment by combining e-leraning training with face-to-face training through the displacement of a mobile classroom with multipurpose teaching resources to areas with low population density and without formative offer.
The project promoted and coordinated by the San Valero Group, also aims to sensitize at European level the situation of disadvantage that exists in rural areas, which is a good example of areas of the "Empty Spain" for access to professional training to meet needs of real and uncovered employment in areas with low population density.
The specific objectives are the training of 50 content trainers and new methodologies that take into account the circumstances and the specificity of the disadvantaged rural environment, the training of 250 students in high-demand professions in 25 locations in the European rural environment and the generation of 25 direct jobs in the development of the project.
The subsidy granted by the European Union for the development of this project is close to 200,000 euros and its development, lasting 30 months, begins with the first meeting of the European partners on November 5 and 6 in Zaragoza and that is carried out in the Mobile Classroom of the San Valero Group, which will subsequently be moved to rural areas of the 4 participating European countries The partners in this project are: Coordinator: SEAS ESTUDIOS SUPERIORES ABIERTOS (SPAIN)